Wednesday, May 9, 2012


Hello, all. I apologize again for my inconsistency these past several weeks. It's been a time of self-relfection, building inspiration, and overall cleansing. I'm not religious, but there's something a little bit spiritual about talking walks in the drizzling rain under blinding white skies or sitting in a haze of incense smoke on the balcony in the evening... wouldn't you say? And, of course, there is an abundance of magic found in time spent with friends.
Anyway, as I continue to embrace life in all its fullness and beauty, posts will continue to be sparse. I'll be sure to share little projects, milestones, photo-shoots, and updates as time progresses! I'm definitely going to focus on making this blog a better reflection of myself, than a reflection of what readers seem to be interested in. And honestly, clever little DIYs and elaborate outfit posts are not quite me. (As much as I love fashion, let's be honest; I wear skinny jeans and some sort of t-shirt and hat four days of the week, anyway.)

I'm a very fluid person with a million passions, and my most prominent interests tend to go in cyclical phases. Currently, I'm dabbling in art journaling for the first time, and making huge leaps as a photographer. I'm hoping to start scheduling shoots more regularly, with someone other than my tripod.. :) But in the mean-time, feel free to mosey on down to my flickr, and take a gander below at the self portrait I've put together just for my lovely blog readers! (Which I highly suggest you click on to view in better clarity).

In other news, the school year is almost over (get excited!), which means teachers are cramming in that one last unit, one last essay, one last project before finals. Expect an excerpt (... words <3) of my English persuasive letter essay on marijuana legalization within the next few days! I'm particularly passionate about the issue, and I honestly had too much research to fit concisely in an essay, so I had to leave a great chunk of it out. However, I'm still relatively pleased with the overall turnout, so I was thinking of sharing a bit with all of you. Perhaps I'll share even more of my creative writing over time as well!

I hope everyone is having a lovely day. Until next time,

- Nadine

P. S. It lifts my heart to know that people read my blog - please don't be shy, comment! It always surprises to me to find out that more people read my blog than I'm aware of. I'm very friendly, so don't be afraid to email me, either! I love making friends and I'd love your suggestions and reactions to help make my blog even better. :)

1 comment:

  1. I love this turn for the better--towards what you love. THAT, my friend, is what blogging should truly be about: expressing what you love and care about in a way that is both interesting to you and your reader. Lovely post, and I look forward to seeing what you have to post in the coming weeks!

    <3 Samantha
